Tax Categories - Non Deductibles and Non Taxables
AI.TaxAssist uses machine learning to
cognitively suggest the non-deductibles and non-taxables in the workspace entries.
This classification is marked under the Category column in the Workspace.
Non-deductibles are marked on
Expense entries. If an entry is detected as a potential non-deductible, the reason for this detection is applied as the tax Category. Here is a list of non-deductible expenses that the machine
will automatically classify as a non-deductible,
- Improvement/ new assets
- Construction Costs
- Amortization expenses
- Shares related expenses
- Private motor vehicle expenses
- Unapproved Funds/Schemes
- Fee on lawsuits
- Depreciation
- Private expenditure
- Gifts/Donation
- Entrance fees
- Capital exchange differences
- Capital expenditure
- Stock compensation expenses
- Fixed assets disposed off
- Capital items expensed off
- Ceremony expenses
- Goodwill/Intangilble
- Provision for stock obsolescence
- Bad debts written off
- Tax expenses
- Statutory penalties
- Installation fees
- Repair (capital)
- Dividend expenditure
- Architect Fee
- Brokerage (capital)
- Registration/Incorporation expenses
- Litigation expenses
- Company reconstruction
- Termination of business
- Mortgage/Loan
- Tenancy/Lease
- Property Transfer
- Renovation expenses
- Lease premium
- Loss from theft
- Non-contractual loss
- Non-trade debts written off
- Restrictive convenants
- Voluntary contributions
- Pre-commencement expenses
- Private Car
- Foreseeable losses
- Leave Pay
- General provision
- Stamp duty re: capital
- Research and development
- Expenditure without supporting
- Life Insurance
- Personal Insurance
- Share based payment
- Accretion of capital
- Rental expense (rent free period)
- Interest expense (book entry)
Non-taxables are marked on Income
entries. If an entry is detected as a potential non-taxable, the reason for this detection is applied as the tax Category. Here is a list of non-taxable incomes that the machine will
automatically classify as a non-taxable,
- One-Tier Dividend
- Capital exchange gain
- Gain on disposal of fixed assets
- Gains on disposal of equity
- FSIE - Foreign-sourced dividend
- FSIE - Foreign branch profits
- FSIE - Foreign-sourced service income
- PIC Cash Payout
- Government grant (to defray capital
- Payables written off
- Non-trade debts forgiven
you find that the system has not categorised the ledger correctly, you can
change the category. To make changes to the category, please follow the steps
listed in the article Changing Tax Category & Adding Labels.
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