Outstanding Inquiry (OSI)
- How do I raise an OSI? - Please refer to the article Create Queries for the Client.
- What are the 4 questions styles possible? The questions that can be chosen to send to the client for OSI are,
- Describe item - Client is requested to comment on/attach documents for each ledger item
- Submit supporting documentation - Client is requested to submit documentation as proof for the ledger amount
- Detail non-deductible amount - Client is requested to provide details for the non-deductible amount in the ledger
- Summarise item - Client is requested to comment in general across all items
- Can I customise the question to the client? - Yes, the Preparer/Staff has the option to customise the question to the client under the Questions and Answers column.
- What does the Filter button under Actions do? - When the Preparer/Staff clicks on Filter icon under Actions in the OSI tab, the Workspace is filtered to display just those ledger items for which the OSI has been raised.
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